The King’s Office is a small autonomous central government organisation. It derives its position and tasks from those of the monarch, and is therefore fully covered by ministerial responsibility.

It consists of a Director and three divisions:

  • Constitutional Law and Public Administration Division
  • Legislation and Petitions Division
  • Support Unit

The Office has a staff of about 26. All staff are subject to rules of confidentiality and are therefore screened by the General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD) before appointment. In 2020 the budget for the King’s Office was €2.7 million.

Working with other organisations

To perform its tasks as well as possible, the King’s Office works with many other organisations, including government ministries. It works particularly closely with the Royal Household and the Government Information Service, which are also directly involved in assisting the King.

The staff of the Royal Household are employed by the King, whereas the staff of the King’s Office and the Government Information Service are civil servants in the employ of the State.