The Office consists of a Director and three divisions:
- Constitutional Law and Public Administration Division
- Legislation and Petitions Division
- Support Unit.
It has a staff of about 29.
Constitutional Law and Public Administration Division
The tasks of the Constitutional Law and Public Administration Division are:
- to gather information and advise the King on political, governmental and societal matters that may be relevant to the King in the performance of his duties;
- to gather information and advise the King on matters of constitutional law;
- to prepare the King’s discussions with the Prime Minister, other ministers and state secretaries and other Dutch and foreign dignitaries;
- to prepare state and working visits. Here the Division works closely with the Royal Household and the Government Information Service.
Legislation and Petitions Division
The tasks of the Legislation and Petitions Division are:
- on behalf of the King, and at the request of the responsible minister or state secretary, to submit proposed legislation to the Council of State or the House of Representatives for consideration;
- to submit to the King for signature Acts of Parliament – after they have been passed by Parliament – and all Royal Decrees, treaties and other state documents presented by ministers and state secretaries;
- to inform the King about petitions that have been received and to pass them on to the member of government responsible for the relevant policy area;
- to register and keep all state documents signed by the King and transfer them to the National Archives after the statutory period has elapsed.
Support Unit
The Support Unit is responsible for internal operational management, including personnel policy, financial management and facilities.